15 | Akuyaku Reijou



last edited on ZLT: 29.12.22

This translation is hosted at ZHANLANN.COM

Click here for the Chinese translated version:第15章 谈谈未来2

“Is this related to why you are trying so hard to improve your constituition?”

“Yes, that’s right. I don’t want to end up in the same tragic ending. I must strengthen myself so that I won’t be killed by the crown prince’s assassin.”

Mel was very surprised. 

“Adley-sama would be so infatuated with that girl?”

“It will happen, that’s why I wanted you to teach me some self-defense skills.”

“…if this is true, I will teach you self-defense…”

Mel went silent for a moment.

“However, is what Christine-sama saw really the future? What if it is just a nightmare, but you thought it was the future?”

“Unfortunately, it is not a nightmare, but the real future…”

Upon seeing Christine’s stern expression, Mel thought that perhaps this dream was true, and it wasn’t just her imagination. At that, his voice lowered.

“…even if that becomes the case, the future that Christine-sama saw is not set in stone, it would change with people’s actions.”

Even though there were all kinds of routes available in the game, the villainess died tragically in almost all of them. 

“Yes, but the chances for this happening is indefinitely high… it would be even more difficult to avoid such an outcome…”

Christine’s face turned pale, her voice hoarse.

“Just as Christine-sama said, if Adley-sama’s soulmate is the Corolla Saint, I would think that it would not be completely impossible for him to marry her. But if the Corolla Saint really does appear, this would be shocking enough to shake the entire kingdom, but I have yet to hear anything about this anywhere.”

“That is because she hasn’t awakened, she doesn’t know yet.” ♢ THE DARK VILLIAN DAUGHTER IS TOO LOVED, CHAPTER 15 is hosted at ZHANLANN.COM

“What if you prevent her from awakening? She would then no longer be a threat to Christine-sama or the Duke’s family?”

Even in the normal endings in the game when the heroine did not capture any targets, or in the bad endings, the heroine still managed to awaken and realise her Corolla Saint potential.

The Corolla Saint was of a soverign-level ranked importance in a kingdom. Legend has it that in an era that a Corolla Saint exists, her prayers would be able to bring upon peace and prosperity to a kingdom. 

“Her awakening is not a probability, it is a definite, and it is not something you can prevent. Even if it can be prevented, the Corolla Saint’s awakening would be much more beneficial to the kingdom as well as to the Duke’s family than my marriage with Adley-sama.”

Mel was silent. He seemed to be thinking. After a while, he spoke.

“The Corolla Saint’s awakening will definitely happen.”


“What about… the cancellation of Christine-sama and Adley-sama’s engagement, will it definitely happen?”

In almost all the routes, the villainess’ engagement was cancelled.

Even though she’d completed every route, there were some parts here and there that she couldn’t quite remember.

“The engagement will very likely be called off.”

“Very likely — in other words, it’s not definite. In that case, all should be good as long as you avoid getting the engagement cancelled.”

“Four years later, the chances of the engagement being cancelled is very high. The ending that awaits me is also a tragic one. The best time to escape this outcome is now. Honestly speaking, I’m very scared of Adley-sama. I am not in love with him, and I don’t want to marry him.”

“Danna-sama and okuu-sama will not accept this. Christine-sama, you know too that personal emotions play no role in a marriage between the royalty and nobility.”

“I do, but…”

Mel continued politely.

“If you were to forcibly call off the engagement like what you’re saying now, in the worst case scenario, you will be seen as disrepecting the scarcity of the commitment. Things may not end up well in that situation either?”

Of course, I will probably be condemned too…

This translation is hosted at ZHANLANN.COM

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