19 | Akuyaku Reijou


CHAPTER 20 ♦ Experiment Subject I

last edited on ZLT: 04.08.23

This translation is hosted at ZHANLANN.COM

Click here for the Chinese translated version:第20章 实验目标 1

Today, Adley and Ramsay came to the Duke’s Mansion.

“’? Christine, you don’t look well today.”

Because she’s worried about her seizures flaring up.

(How nasty my magic must be for things like this to keep happening…)

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m alright, Adley-sama.”

Even though she wasn’t feeling very okay, Christine still tried to smile.

Her physical strength improved, the types of tones she could manage increased, and she was also picking up the self-defense skills well. Despite all these improvements, a problem appeared.

“Is that so?” 


Adley placed his hands on the table and crossed his fingers. 

“Come to think of it, when I spoke to Lee, he’s a magic swordsman, about Christine’s physical training, he suggested that he should teach you swordsmanship.”

Christine perked her ear.

“Is that so? I would love to hear and learn from him.”

“I think he’s just joking.”

“I have heard that Lee-sama is a very skilled magic swordsman. Regardless, I would love to learn swordsmanship from him if he is open to teaching me.”

Lee was the same age as Christine, a year younger than Adley and Ramsay.

Whilw he’s a capture target in the game that she should be avoiding by all means, but his swordsmanship skills were undeniable.

If he could teach me, the chances of me avoiding a massacre would increase dramatically.

Ramsay turned around in astonishment. 

“What exactly are you you trying to do? Do you intend to become a knight?”

“I want to be able to protect myself.”

She had  no intention of being easily defeated by Ramsay’s assassins.

She gave him a hard glare; Ramsay blinked in confusion.

“What is it?”

Christine lowered her gaze.

“No, it’s nothing. ── Adley-sama, could you please convey my sincerity to Lee-sama?”

Christine saw the two of them off. Just as she was about to head back to her room, Ramsay stopped and returned.

“Ramsay,-sama did you forget something?”

“You looked unwell today, your magic is bothering you isn’t it?”


“Do this.”

Ramsay took out a thin sheet of paper from his pocket and handed it to Christine.

Christine tilted her head.

“What is this?””

“This is a type of medicine that I’d prepared. Many people with Night-affinity magic have poor physical strength. If you take consume the medicine, your physical condition will recover.”

Ramsey’s family works in the magic research field and deals with pharmaceuticals.

Christine accepted the paper.

Thank you, Ramsay-sama.”

Ramsay shrugged, his silver hair fluttering and turned to leave.

“Then I’ll be heading off.”

“Ah, Ramsay-sama, please wait.”

Just when he was about to leave, Christine stopped him.

“What is it?”

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